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Pilar Enrich featured artist in the exhibition and public auction Stars on Canvas 2014

Stars on Canvas Pilar Enrich

For the second time, Pilar Enrich contributed with the Star on Canvas initiative by donating the artwork “How schools kill creativity” (2014).

Stars on Canvas is a bi-annual charity auction of original artworks created by well known names from the worlds of art, illustration, sport, music and popular culture. The online auction is accompanied by a public exhibition with all proceeds to national charity, Willow.

Willow is a British charity working with seriously ill young adults aged 16 to 40 to fulfil uplifting and unforgettable Special Days. These Special Days enable them and their families to reconnect and refocus on each other while enjoying an activity of their choosing.


For this exhibition and auction, Pilar Enrich presented her latest work “How schools kill creativity” inspired by Sir Ken Robinson. Sir Robinson argues that we don’t get the best out of people and this is because we’ve been educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers. Students with restless minds and bodies, far from being cultivated for their energy and curiosity, are ignored or even stigmatized.

The public exhibition took place at the The Hub, Heddon Street from 20-23 Novembe 2014. The eBay auction ran from 13-23 November 2014,

To learn more about Pilar Enrich’s past and current work and to contact the artist, visit

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