Dear Enrich2,
Summer Exhibition 2014
9 June – 17 August
Thank you for entering this year’s Summer Exhibition. With almost 12,000 entries the competition was extremely strong, but I am pleased to inform you that your artwork, EXPHOTO UNDER THE WEATHER, is still under consideration.
You will receive further notification on 22 May regarding the status of your shortlisted work.
We have noted that you reside outside the United Kingdom (according to the address you registered on your Entry Form), which means you must provide us with a UK VAT number if you wish to make your artwork available for sale. We must receive your VAT number by Monday, 19 May 2014 or we will have to list your work as Not for Sale in the catalogue. If you have already provided us with a VAT number, please disregard this message.
Please note that if your work is not selected for exhibition, it must be collected from 6 Burlington Gardens between Monday 12 May and Friday 6 June (Monday to Friday, from 8am to 4pm; Saturdays, from 9am to 4pm). No collections are possible on Sundays or Bank Holidays.
After Friday 6 June, the Royal Academy will charge a storage fee of £15 per work per week, or part thereof, and works that have not been collected may be moved off site.
With best wishes,
The Summer Exhibition Team